Asset Management for your creative work

Reel in Motion is the intuitive solution to manage creative assets, tasks and workflow for film, VFX and games

Reel in Motion - App

Track Assets

Share giant files

Access and share files with teams using advanced peer-to-peer technology.

Control versions

Manage and track each version of a file to see all iterations over time.

Develop assets together

Collaborate in real-time on assets being developed, edited, and used.

Reel in Motion assets list

Plan Projects & Assign Resources

Collaborate on a project

Plan a project live with team members to identify tasks, priorities and timeline.

Define roles and responsibilities

Identify who is responsible for each deliverable and their reporting structure.

Set priorities

Set clear and concise deliverables in the order they are to be done.

Allocate resources

Assign roles and privileges to any user or user group for any task or project.

Control access

Set and re-set permissions on assets to control access rights and restrictions.

Automate messages

Use notifications to alert users of timely project information and actions to take.

Reel in Motion - App

Manage Tasks

Manage tasks

Delegate and manage tasks and sub-tasks to accomplish collective goals

Start a discussion

Ask questions, give feedback, and share knowledge to complete tasks.

Monitor Activity

Analyze performance

Monitor asset, task and resource activity and know when tasks are done.

Maintain alignment

Respond to challenges and varying conditions to stay aligned with goals.

Optimize resources

Generate intelligence to optimize resources, projects, bids, and budgets.

Check content

View deliverables, track comments, and annotate content for review.

Make decisions

Take action to update content, modify attributes or undo changes.

Approve assets

Approve or reject assets for use and sign off on project.

Reel in Motion dashboard

Make It Your Own

Completely customizable

Whether you want to group assets and tasks by departments, scenes, or levels, everything is completely customizable.

Sophisticated templating

Never write the same task twice. Save multiple tasks into a template.

Advanced filtering

Fine grained filter controls that can narrow down resources quickly and efficiently.

Progress your way

Breakdown individual tasks into a progression of steps, or combine multiple tasks into a sprint.

Your project, your workflow

From project organization to priority structures, use a workflow that makes sense to you.

See it in Action

Reel in Motion

Our mission is to help people manage creativity

Reel in Motion was founded by a request from a customer to develop asset management software that truly reflects the way creative people work. With a clear strategy to innovate, we built a flexible, intuitive solution for people to collaborate from anywhere, on any device, to manage creative assets, tasks and workflow.