API Docs

The Reel in Motion (RIM) API follows the REST architecture and is designed with predictable resource-oriented URLs, form-encoded request bodies, and JSON-encoded responses. Standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs are employed to ensure ease of use and consistency.


All API calls, apart from the login and registration, require an authentication token. You can provide this token in the header of your request as follows:

const response = await fetch(args.url, {
    headers: {
        Authorization: Token YOUR_TOKEN,
    method: 'GET',
    body: JSON.stringify({

How do I obtain a token?

To obtain a token you first need to either register or login an Account.

You can do this via the API as well.


The account contains all the info associated with the current token used. It houses all relationships between projects, assets, tasks, etc. It is the main object used to interact with the API.

    uuid: string;

    email: string;
    dateJoined: string;

    name: string;
    position: string;
    profileImage: string | null;

    isActive: boolean;
    isVerified: boolean;
    token: string;

    projects: Project['uuid'][];

    assets: Asset['uuid'][];
    tasks: Task['uuid'][];
    comments: Comment['uuid'][];

    lastSeen: string;

    subscribed: {
        assets: Asset['uuid'][];
        tasks: Task['uuid'][];

    uploadedSize: number;

    isSubscribedToEmails: boolean;

    subscription: null | {
        plan: string;
        amount: number;

        isActive: boolean;
        isCancelled: boolean;

        createdOn: number;
        cancelledOn: number | null;
        expiresOn: number;


If you already have an account, you can login instead:

        email: string,
        password: string


To obtain an account, you can register by simply providing the following:

    email: string;
    name: string;
    password: string;
    passwordAgain: string;

Get Account

You can retrieve all of your account details by making a request to:


Edit Account

Editing your account details by making a PATCH call to the API endpoint:

    uuid: string;
    name?: string;
    position?: string;
    profileImage?: File


Calling the logout endpoints expires the token. After this, the token can no longer be used to authenticate. You will need to login again to get a new token.



Projects are the main way to organize all your resources. Each project can have its own organization, workflows, and permissions.

    uuid: string;
    dateCreated: string;

    creator: Account['uuid'];

    name: string;
    description: string;
    thumbnail: string | null;

    members: Account['uuid'][];

    tags: Tag['uuid'][];

Create Project

Once your account is set up, you can begin a new project for your assets and tasks. To create a new project, simply utilize the following API call:

    name: string;
    description: string;
    thumbnail: File;

Edit Project

    uuid: string;
    name?: string;
    description?: string;
    thumbnail?: File

Get Project

You can get the details of a project by its UUID.


List Projects

Alternatively, you can retrieve all the projects you are currently associated with:


Delete Project

Warning: This cannot be undone.

Deleting a project will delete the project along with any associate data such as assets, comments, tasks, etc.



To bring your friends into your project, you need to create an invitation.

An invitation object contains the following:

    uuid: string;

    project: {
        uuid: Project['uuid'];
        name: string;
        thumbnail: string;

    sender: Account['uuid'];
    email: string;
    receiver: Account['uuid'] | null;

    dateCreated: string;

    dateAccepted: string;
    dateRejected: string;

    isAccepted: boolean;

Send Invitation

To send an invitation to a project all you need is the following:

    project: Project['uuid'];
    emails: string[];

Handle invitation

You can accept or decline an invitation by sending a PATCH request to the following URL:

Once accepted, you can refetch your projects list. You will see the newly accepted project in the received list of projects.

    isAccepted: boolean


Alerts are a way to notify users when certain events occur.

For example, you can create a tag called critical and set up an alert for it.

Whenever a task with the critical tag is created, an alert will be sent out to all users subscribed to that alert.

Moreover, alerts possess the capability to call an external resource by including a URL parameter when creating or modifying an alert. When an alert is triggered, a POST request will be made to the specified URL, with the alert data being sent in the request body.

If you require forwarding additional information with the alert, you can provide it in the "extra" field.

    uuid: string;

    dateCreated: string;
    dateUpdated: string;

    project: Project['uuid'];
    creator: Account['uuid'];

    name: string;
    description: string;
    behavior: 'ALL' | 'ANY';

    assets: Asset['uuid'][];
    tasks: Task['uuid'][];
    tags: Tag['uuid'][];
    receivers: Account['uuid'][];

    url: string | null;
    extra: string | null;

    sentOn: string | null;
    isRecurring: boolean;

Create Alert

    name: string;
    description?: string;

    assets?: Asset['uuid'][];
    tasks?: Task['uuid'][];
    tags?: Tag['uuid'][];
    receivers?: Account['uuid'][];

    url?: string;
    extra?: string;

Edit Alert

    uuid: Alert['uuid']

    name?: string;
    description?: string;

    assets?: Asset['uuid'][];
    tasks?: Task['uuid'][];
    tags?: Tag['uuid'][];
    receivers?: Account['uuid'][];

    url?: string;
    extra?: string;

Get Alert


List Alerts


You can also search for alerts by adding the following parameters:

    project: Project['uuid'];
    creator?: Account['uuid'];

    name?: string;
    description?: string;

    asset?: Asset['uuid'];
    task?: Task['uuid'];
    tag?: Tag['uuid'];
    receiver?: Account['uuid'];

    group?: Group['uuid'];
    tagValue?: string;

For example, here is a url for searching by tag:


Delete Alert



An asset is a representation of every version of a file or group of files. Files are not associated with assets directly but through commits, where each commit represents a single version of an asset.

    uuid: string;
    dateCreated: string;

    children: Asset['uuid'][];
    parents: Asset['uuid'][];

    project: Project['uuid'];

    creator: Account['uuid'];
    owner: Account['uuid'] | null;

    name: string;
    description: string;
    path: string | null;

    primaryImage: Image['uuid'] | null;

    commits: Commit['uuid'][];
    comments: Comment['uuid'][];
    tasks: Task['uuid'][];
    tags: Tag['uuid'][];

Create Asset

To create an asset from a single file provide the following:

    project: Project['uuid'];

    name: Asset['name'];
    description: Asset['description'];

    file: File;
    path: string | null;

    thumbnails: File[];

Alternatively you can create an asset from a list of files:

    project: Project['uuid'];

    name: Asset['name'];
    description: Asset['description'];

    files: File[];

    thumbnails: File[];

Or you can group a list of assets into a new asset:

    project: Project['uuid'];

    name: Asset['name'];
    description: Asset['description'];

    children: Asset['uuid'][];

Edit Asset

To edit asset details such as name and description, you can make a patch call.

Note that if you are looking to provide a new version for an asset, you should make a commit instead:

Create commit
    uuid: string;

    children?: Asset['uuid'][];
    parents?: Asset['uuid'][];

    name?: string;
    description?: string;
    path?: string | null;

    primaryImage?: Image['uuid'] | null;

Get Asset

Get all fields of an asset:


List Assets

Alternatively, you can retrieve all the assets for a given project:


You can also search for assets by adding the following parameters:

    project: Project['uuid'];
    page?: number;
    perPage?: number;
    creator?: Account['uuid'];
    tagKey?: Tag['key'];
    tagValue?: Tag['value'];
    name?: Asset['name'];

For example, here is a url for searching by name:


Delete Asset

Warning: This cannot be undone.

Deleting an asset will also delete an associated data such as the commits & comments.



A commit is a representation of a single version of an asset. Commits are created when an asset is uploaded or when an asset is updated. Commits are not editable, but assets are. Assets can be updated by creating a new commit.

    uuid: string;
    dateCreated: string;

    project: Project['uuid'];
    creator: Account['uuid'];

    asset: Asset['uuid'];
    comments: Comment['uuid'][];

    name: string;
    description: string;
    version: number;

    thumbnails: Image[];

    fileName: string;
    type: string;
    size: number;
    url: string;

    preview?: string;

Create Commit

    asset: Asset['uuid'];

    name: string;
    description: string;

    file: File;

Edit Commit

    uuid: string;

    name?: string;
    description?: string;

Get Commit


List Commits


You can also search for assets by adding the following parameters:

    project?: Project['uuid'];
    asset?: Asset['uuid'];
    creator?: Account['uuid'];
    name?: Commit['name'];

    page?: number;
    perPage?: number;

For example, here is a url for searching by asset and commit name:


Delete Commit

Warning: This cannot be undone.



A comment can be attachd to either an asset, commit, or a task.

    uuid: string;
    ref: string | null;

    dateCreated: string;
    dateUpdated: string;

    project: Project['uuid'];
    creator: Account['uuid'];

    parent: Comment['uuid'] | null;
    children: Comment['uuid'][];

    asset: Asset['uuid'] | null;
    commit: Commit['uuid'] | null;
    task: Task['uuid'];
    report: Report['uuid'];

    text: string;
    images: Image[];
    video: string | null;

    reviewOf?: Image['uuid'] | null;
    annotations: {
        timestamp: number;

        width: number;
        height: number;

        drawings: Vector2[]

Create Comment

    asset?: Asset['uuid'];
    task?: Task['uuid'];
    commit?: Commit['uuid'];

    parent?: Comment['uuid'];

    image?: File;
    text: string;

Edit Comment

    uuid: Comment['uuid']

    text: string;

Get Comment


List Comments


You can also search for comments by adding the following parameters:

        project: Project['uuid'];

        account?: Account['uuid'];
        asset?: Asset['uuid'];
        commit?: Commit['uuid'];
        task?: Task['uuid'];

        text?: string;

        page?: number;
        perPage?: number;

For example, here is a url for searching by asset & task:


Delete Comment



A TagGroup is a vital component in RIM. It facilitates the organization and categorization of assets and tasks, ensuring efficiency. It functions as a collection of unique tags, enabling easy grouping and retrieval.

Each TagGroup is associated with a specific project and can either have a predefined set of options or remain empty to accommodate any tag value.

For instance, if the group is named department and the options are left empty, you can add tags with values like R&D, Marketing, etc. However, if you want to restrict the options to specific values, you can add options such as R&D, Marketing, etc. to the group.

    uuid: string;

    dateCreated: string;
    dateUpdated: string;

    project: Project['uuid'];

    name: string;
    description: string;

    color: string
    options: {
        uuid: string;
        value: string;
        icon?: keyof typeof icons;
        isDefault: boolean;

Create Group

    name: string;
    description?: string;
    options?: {
        uuid: string;
        value: string;
        icon?: keyof typeof icons;
        isDefault: boolean;

Edit Group

    uuid: Group['uuid']

    name?: string;
    description?: string;

    color?: string;
    options?: {
        uuid: string;
        value: string;
        icon?: keyof typeof icons;
        isDefault: boolean;

Get Group


List Groups


You can also search for groups by adding the following parameters:

    project: Project['uuid'];
    creator: Account['uuid'];

    name?: string;
    description?: string;
    color?: string;

    asset?: Asset['uuid'];
    task?: Task['uuid'];

For example, here is a url for searching by task:


Delete Group



When creating assets, comments, or tasks, you can add images to each of them.

These images may include asset thumbnails, review images, or other visual resources.

By accessing these images directly, it's possible to cross-reference the uploaded media and attach them to other relevant resources.

    uuid: string;

    project: Project['uuid'];

    dateCreated: string;
    dateUpdated: string;

    name: string;
    url: string;
    thumbnails: string

    commit?: Commit['uuid'] | null;
    comment?: Comment['uuid'] | null;

    size: {
        width: number
        height: number

Create Image

Images are generated automatically when required, instead of being created directly. When you upload an asset that includes a thumbnail, an image instance is automatically created for that thumbnail.

Get Image


List Images


You can also search for imagesby adding the following parameters:

    project?: Project['uuid'];

    asset?: Asset['uuid'];
    commit?: Commit['uuid'];
    comment?: Comment['uuid'];

For example, here is a url for searching by asset:


Delete Image



    uuid: string;
    dateCreated: string;
    dateUpdated: string;
    dateFinished: string | null;

    project: Project['uuid'];
    creator: Account['uuid'];

    name: string;
    description: string;
    color: string;
    status: (
        'backlog' |
        'not started' |
        'in progress' |
        'finished' |
        'awaiting approval' |

    checklist: {
        description: string;
        isDone: boolean

    startDate: string;
    duration: number;

    bid: number;

    assigned: Account['uuid'] | null;

    nextTask: Task['uuid'] | null;

    assets: Asset['uuid'][];
    tags: Tag['uuid'][];
    comments: Comment['uuid'][];

    primaryImage: string | null;

    history: TaskHistory;

Create Task

    project: Project['uuid'];

    name: string;
    description: string;

    // ISO date string:
    startDate?: string;

    // ISO date string:
    duration?: string;

    assigned?: Account['uuid'];
    previousTasks?: Task['uuid'][];

    assets?: Asset['uuid'][];
    tags?: Tag['uuid'][];

Edit Task

    uuid: Task['uuid']

    name?: string;
    description?: string;

    // ISO date string:
    startDate?: string;

    // ISO date string:
    duration?: string;

    assigned?: Account['uuid'];
    previousTasks?: Task['uuid'][];

    assets?: Asset['uuid'][];
    tags?: Tag['uuid'][];

Get Task


List Tasks


You can also search for tasks by adding the following parameters:

    project?: Project['uuid'];

    asset?: Asset['uuid'];
    creator?: Account['uuid'];

    tagKey?: Tag['key'];
    tagValue?: Tag['value'];

    name?: Task['name'];

    page?: number;
    perPage?: number;

For example, here is a url for searching by asset:


Delete Task



Tags help you organize the assets and elements of your project.

Each `Tag` is distinct and can contain specific information such as a text value, color, or additional settings.

Tags can be created, modified, and associated with various items, simplifying the process of filtering, searching, and organizing data within the system.

Additionally, tags can include descriptions to provide better understanding and context.

Tags consist of a group and a value. For instance, you can add a tag with the group "department" and the value "R&D".

    uuid: string;
    ref: string | null;

    dateCreated: string;
    dateUpdated: string;

    project: Project['uuid'];
    group: Group['uuid'];

    alerts: Alert['uuid'][];

    // Edit this array to attach a tag the assets:
    assets: Asset['uuid'][];

    // Edit this array to attach a tag the tasks:
    tasks: Task['uuid'][];

    value: string;
    description: string;
    color: string

    options: {
        color: string;
        icon: string;

Create Tag

    asset: Asset['uuid'];

    name: string;
    description: string;

    file: File;

Edit Tag

    uuid: Tag['uuid']

    text: string;

Get Tag


List Tags


You can also search for tags by adding the following parameters:

    project: Project['uuid'];

    group?: Group['uuid'];
    value?: string;

    alert?: Alert['uuid'];
    asset?: Asset['uuid'];
    task?: Task['uuid'];

For example, here is a url for searching by asset:


Delete Tag



    uuid: string;
    ref: string;

    project: Project['uuid'];
    creator: Account['uuid'];
    isPublic: boolean;

    dateCreated: string;
    dateUpdated: string;

    name: string;
    description: string;

    tasks: {
        name: string
        description: string
        color: string
        duration: number
        checklist: Task.Checklist
        offset: number;
        tags: {
            [tagKey: string]: string;

Create Template

    name: string;
    description?: string;
    tasks: {
        name: string
        description: string
        color: string
        duration: number
        offset: number;
        tags: {
            [tagKey: string]: string;

Edit Template

    name?: string;
    description?: string;
    tasks: {
        name: string
        description: string
        color: string
        duration: number
        offset: number;
        tags: {
            [tagKey: string]: string;

Get Template


List Templates


Delete Template
